Day 19: Documenting Results so far
Today, we shall unfortunately not be learning anything new!
The whole day was spent in recording and documenting results and the project procedure.
I have uploaded two YouTube videos. In case you have not been following the codes so far, it is a good time to refer to the videos to see the codes that I have written previously actually running on systems and realising the entire network. Here you go: v=R80nJLUFClQ& - Explains a basic single controller architecture on which DoS attacks are performed. v=ehCqB6FZL2s& - Explains the architecture we shall be building as part of the project. Please refer to the previous post for the architectural design for better understanding.
The code is also made available in my GitHub page. Here is the link: - All code snippets are put up for your understanding.
Apart from the above tasks, I tries looking at few East-West bound APIs that I should be using to communicate between controllers. Surprisingly, there was not much available online. Hoping for a better direction tomorrow. Will keep you updated on the same!!!
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