Day 21: Cloud strategy

In this post, I shall be sharing my thought process on the cloud strategy that we could adopt to implement our distributed hierarchical SDN controller architecture.

The block diagram would summarize the proposed way to build it:
(It is still very much under development)

As we can see, I have proposed to shift the whole controller architecture to the cloud. Reason?
This way of implementation addresses many issues that we have stated in the previous article. Replacement of the master controller with the backup controller is easier since an instance can already be maintained. We only need to migrate VMs and take care of instance IP addresse and port numbers. The similar thing would apply to the controllers that we can see on the right hand side of the diagram.

Implementation specific details like creating instances, assigning IP addresses, take-over mechanisms, synchronization logic and security algorithms are yet to be dealt with.

Some time was also spent in critical thinking of the pros, cons and concerns over using cloud to deploy the controller architecture. The below image shows the same.

Refer to previous and next articles.

Author: Shravanya
Co-author: Swati


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