Day 30: Making new mistakes!!!

It is Day 30 already!!! But I'm still making mistakes, but more importantly learning from them!

So today, I started to implement the HAProxy load balancer as we had discussed in yesterday's post. As stated in Day 26's post, we needed 8 hosts and connected each of them as mentioned in that day's post. While I was doing this, I came across many errors.

Few gateway errors, few ICMP not reachable and Host unreachable errors. So to simplify the architecture, I introduced a D-Link switch between all the Zodiac FX switches and the load balancer. But this caused a problem earlier when all my switches were connected to a common D-Link switch and to each other since it formed a loop. So this time, I ensured that the loop doesn't occur by removing the connection between the switches (will let you know even if this approach fails at a later stage).

Well....why did I do that? Since all my Zodiac FX switches are configured on the same subnet, I do not require a differernt interface to listen to each of their traffic. Hence, I combined the interface to one. Another thing I could've tried that would probably make more sense is to configure all switches with different IP Subnets. I shall give that a try tomorrow or by next week.

Coming to the problem I faced today, I had connected two interfaces to my load balancer, one to act as a front-end and one that acts as a back-end. Both the IP adresses assigned to these interfaces were same since the Zodiac FX - Controller communication needs to happen on the same subnet. So whenever I used to ping my load balancer from my controllers, it gave a host unreachable error. But when I pinged from my front-end side, i.e the switches side to the load balancer, it worked perfectly fine.

The reason this happens is because the two interfaces are in the same subnet, the traffic reaches one of the interfaces by default. And this default in my case was the front-end part of the interface. Thus all traffic meant for the back-end was also accumulating in front-end thus messing up the traffic flow.

The solutions I have thought of so far is:

  1. chnage the subnets and try
  2. try if the default can be changed - by mentioning that traffic from these particular IPs should go to particular interfaces
  3. configure each Zodiac FX and Controller pair as one subnet, so potentially we shall be dealing with 3 subnets on the load balancer.
I shall try few of the above soluitons tomorrow with a little more research. Hopefully I find a solution ;)

Refer to previous and next posts here.

PS: This article might not make too much sense unless a visual is used while explaining. It was written for the sole purpose of keeping a record, hence excuse me for not making it too comprehensive.

Author: Shravanya
Co-Author: Swati


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