Day 36: Keeping it Alived

In the previous posts we had discussed the implementation architecture and also built it to a fairly good extent. Now, it is time to consider what would happen if the load balancer faces a single point of failure. We need to have a standby load balancer that can become active once the master load balancer is down. As explained yesterday, we shall be looking into Keepalived for the same.

Today, I started to implement a new version of the architecture keeping in mind the introduction of a new system to the architecture which would act as the standby load balancer. So, the new architecture I started implementing today is something like this:

These were the diffculties I faced with the above architecture:
  • The controller needs to be configured with one static route to go to the Router subnet. This is possible only by giving a the next hop as the load balancer that is active at that instant. Since it is a static route, the configuration was not possible
  • As a consequence to the above problem, the controller and Zodiac FX switches could not communicate.
  • Also, a next hop must be specified for packets coming from the router subnet to the controller subnet. This next hop keeps dynamically changing with the active load balancer.
Thus, the problem faced was that the dynamic configuration of the active load balancer could not happen with static routing. Thus, we need to assign Virtual IP addresses to both the interfaces of the load balancers. The new diagram would look something like this:

The difference between this and the previous architecture:
  • The load balancers are configured with keepalived on both of their interfaces
  • The Virtual IP is the gateway for the Zodiac FX switch
  • The Virtual IP of the other interface of the load balancer would be the next hop for the controller to communicate with the switches.
In tomorrow's post we shall explore how to implement keepalived in both of the interfaces of the two load balancers - each belong to the different subnet.

Refer to previous and next articles here.

Author: Shravanya
Co-author: Swati


  1. LBs (with backup) need to work with virtual IP (VIPs). Switches does not know if there is one LB or multiple LB. They only know a single IP. You still are confused between routing of packets. IT should not matter whether there is one router or multiple routers between FX switches and LB. Leave it to IP routing and you should not be concerned about the same,


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