Day 49: Kafka and Zookeeper vs tcpreplay

So far we've built the basic architecture required. Now, we need to take care of how the switch can talk to not only the slave controller or the hierarchy 2 controller but also the master or the hierarchy 1 controller.

The approaches discussed in the previous post include:

  • Pub-sub model which is Kafka and Zookeeper
  • TCPreplay tool to record and replay TCP packets to the master controller.
Day 48 was spent completely in trying out Kafka and Zookeeper and analyzing how good of a choice it would be to use the same for our purpose. Kafka + Zookeeper combo acts as messaginf tool. The packets seen on load balancer or any slave controller can definitely reach the master controller. But it would not reach on another port on the master controller. This further needs to be processed through Storm for further analysis. Or another option could be, again redirecting the traffic from the Kafka port to the Ryu port 6633.

This seems like too much of an overhead. Thus, I am dropping the idea of pub-sub models for now. I shall be looking into tcpreplay and tcpliveplay for the same purpose.

Refer to previous and next posts here.

Author: Shravanya
Co-author: Swati


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