Day 62:Building the storm topology

Hey guys!

Finally finished building the basic storm topology for extracting the following features. It took me 2.5 weeks to finish integrating kafka with and to build the topology.
The features extracted so far,
1. Total Inflow Packets
2. Average Number of inflow packets (Total/Number of flows)
3. Total Number of flows
4. Total Packet length
5. Average packet length (Total/Number of packets)

What next?
I want to set up an ML model for analyzing the features in real time. 

What are the hiccups along the way?
1. Are the input features enough? What more can be extracted?
2. Outflow features cant be utilized directly since there is a cyclic dependency with the outflow features. 
3. Which ML model to build such that it doesn't slowdown the decision process? Should it be supervised or unsupervised?
4. How to improve accuracy once the model is built?

I am reading up on existing real time ML models for networks. I shall be updating the solution soon on the blog with useful links in the next post.


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